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Outreach - Donna Pilson (Rebuild Bay) Reports
Many supplies have been distributed, including 5,000 lbs of meat, mask kits, and information. Many people have been food walk-ups who were given masks. They apprec iated the masks. Donna's team is researching Emergency COVID Kits. The pulse oximeters are expensive, but a light emergency kit that doesn't include the most expensive items is possible. Rebuild has been posting Health Department Information.
Cindy Wilker (LGBTQ Center) is working to find a bulk source of pulse oximeters to get the cost down. She was in dialogue with the Health Department. If anyone has a bulk purchasing connection, contact Cindy.
Education - J Dia Green - JD Green Educational Services
The credit workshops are almost finished. People are very concerned that they won't be able to make it. Paying utilities is a problem. Deferred payments during the shut down are coming due. Residents are being told to make payments on credit cards because you can negotiate with credit card companied, but not with utilities. J Dia is producing a strong personal statement by Pamela "Naebug" Myers, a COVID-19 Survivor. It will be a shareable post when it is finished.
Business - Tony - NW Florida Minority Chamber
Tony Bostick has been working with pastors to determine needs among small business owners.
Here is the 6.29.2020 Community COVID Update that was presented at the meeting-Jan Booher Reporting
Jerl Wodford Reported on the Resources Map (4823 Views) and the
COVID Tracking by Zip Code with Test Sites (1,254). The legend will be changed on the map in order to accomodate the larger numbers of cases.
Leah Booher Reported on the Hazards map derived from the Community Connectors' surveying. J Dia explained that the concentration of rats is near the bayou, where wood rats the size of small raccoons live. The wood rats sometimes get into the homes.
A decision was made to proceed with a clean-up day. Tony said that the city and county may be willing to cooperate, and Donna Pilson indicated that since the event would be outdoors and PPE is available the event is possible.
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