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7.28.2020 Community COVID Sit Rep w Work Group Leadership Meeting Notes

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7.28.2020 Community COVID Sit Rep w Work Group Leadership Meeting Notes

Here is the 7.28.2020 Community COVID Situation Report Presented at the meeting. Important content includes change in status of Zip Codes:

32413 (Inlet Beach, Panama City Beach, Seacrest) from orange to red, exceeding the 150 case threshold.

32444 (Lynn Haven) has crossed into the burgundy category,  exceeding the 250 case threshold. 

32438 (Fountain) has crossed the 25 case threshold into the yellow category.


Regarding the Outbreak at the Correctional Facility

284 cases have been reported, although information was witheld for a time before it was released. Many parents of school-aged children work at the jail, and many cases were attributed to residents of neighboring Jackson County.

Lack of Contact Tracing and Hospital Experience

A member of our core leadership team has tested positive for COVID and immediately self-quarantined and notified those who may have been exposed. No members of the family were contacted by the Health Department, and no phone calls or emails have been received that would indicate that there is a contact traccing effort of any kind in Bay County.

Observations made from 4:30 am - 2:30pm at the hospital at Martin Luther King, Jr Blvd and 7th St:

29 patients delivered by ambulance

14 walk-ups and drop-offs that were mostly coughing and short of breath. 12 to 13 of themwere on oxygen and had labored breathing.

PanCare Testing

Pan Care is collecting data when they administer the Rapid Test that includes race, ethnicity and multiple categories of sexual orientation, including straight, gay, lesbian and trans.


School Board Superintendent Husfelt states the position that multiple doctors with whom the School Board has consulted say that COVID is a non-pediatric event. Please see the link to the Weekly Report link with pediatric trend curve above and note that positive case rates among adults and pediatric patients are almost equal:

Adult New Case Percent Positivity: 11.69%  (7/26 FDEM-daily report)

New Cases Percent Positivity for those <18 yr old: 11% positivity (7/24  FDOH-weekly report)

Factors Affecting Reopening: 

  • $6.6 million in Bay District Schools funding is tied to reopening. The USDA food to schools was tied to face to face brick and mortar school reopenings.
  • 2,700 signed up for Bay County's virtual school options
  • There aren't any numbers on how many have decided to do home schooling
  • Some people are taking advantage of McClay Scholarships to create smaller private learning environments
  • Teachers are scared
  • The state universities are not having in person classes, but we are sending children to school!?
  • Discussions about having cameras in the classroom recording everything as intrusive with privacy concerns for minors and for teachers
    • 11 of 16 surrounding counties have Bay Link
    • 4 counties decided not to go to Bay Link
    • 47% of people are choosing Bay Virtual or Bay Link
    • FERPA and HIPAA concerns are being raised in some cases to avoid accountability for what is happening in the classroom
      • Paras can run the link and shut down the video link if a child acts out
      • The camera can be recording a whiteboard or lessons being discussed or can be focused on the teacher
    • More teachers say they don't have computers at home than students
    • A large number of teachers don't have tech and don't want to learn
    • Bay County Schools have been supporting teachers' transition to tech
      • New 14" Chrome Book issued to each teacher w a microphone
      • Tech classes are available for teachers

Action Decision 

Decision was made to host a Saturday Zoom meeting for parents that can be pushed to Facebook livestream to assist parents. A Friday event will miss people at work. Condo-cleaning parents are not finished until late Friday.

  • Will ask if Bay County Schools PIO Sharon Mikalik can participate to help parents understand how to get online to register their option selection
  • Possibly include an ES principal
  • Train parents to register their children-how to get into FOCUS
  • Notify parents of school schedule changes. Columbus Day, Presidents Day, and the 3 teacher in-service days have been eliminated
  • Video the event. Videos have been well received
    • Video of Sharon's presentation
    • Video showing CANVAS

Map Showing Geographical Distribution of people at Food Giveaways

Geographical distribution is useful, but we need some analysis and data visualization so Donna can see and understand the need.

MPHISE Project

Discussion of Stakeholders and Trust Networks. 

Trust networks already in existence that can be built upon:

AME Churches have Class Leaders that are responsible for keeping up with a group of congregants and informing the pastor of pastoral care needs. 

More information is needed before we can speak to others about Safe2.

Action Item:

Request meeting with Jamison Day or a member of his team with information and Q&A.







howdy folks
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