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7.7.2020 Bay County Work Group Meeting Notes

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7.7.2020 Bay County Work Group Meeting Notes

Present on the call: Janice Lucas, Tony Bostick, Cindy Wilker, Jan Booher, Leah Booher, Jerl Woford, Olympia Fulcher

Reports from the technical support team:

Map Updates

Resource MAP update (4,909 Views to date)

The COVID-Tracking and Zip code map has been updated. Click on a zip code to view the number of cases, number of cases per thousand and zip code population. 

COVID Cases & Test Sites MAP updated (1,294 views to date)

Sit Rep

7.7.2020 Bay County COVID-19 Situation Report

  • Several banks have changed their policies.The updates are on the Resource map.
  • Cases are rising in Bay county at a week over week rate of 121%.
  • Zip Codes 32401 and 32405 have the largest week over week increase
  • Nationwide children are 5.8% of cases, and pediatric cases are rising in Florida.
  • In the state of Florida, 15-24 year olds represent 16% of cases

Community Leaders comment that people are sitting in long lines to be tested. They are taking their health into their own hands, and want to know if they are positive because they are hearing there are positive people in the community and don't know if they have been exposed.

Doctors say they are seeing people with symptoms.

Businesses, schools, government and non-profits have no standard case reporting practices, so there is no standard public notification or professional sanitization at locations where people have tested positive.

Only 3 available ICU beds are available according to Florida's Community Coronavirus Dashboard.

  • Community Leaders Report that there aren't 3 dedicated ICU beds available. They are counting beds they can convert into ICU rooms.
  • The hospitals will run out of supplies if the numbers continue to increase. Hospitals are concerned about the rapid rise because the surrounding counties can't take transfers. Escambia, Walton and Leon counties don't have capacity to receive. Neither Alabama nor Georgia can accept patients either. Two hospitals lost 45-56 beds in Hurricane Michael. The largest hospital has recovered up to about 65% of capacity.
  • Bay Medical Center has had more rapid recovery success than the hospitals.
  • There is no surge plan.
  • The best plan is the Bob Michaels Emergency Plan. They have extended transport ambulances, staff and a well trained roster of first responders.

Environmental Hazards Mapping and Report

  • The Clean up of Environmental Hazards is tentatively scheduled for August first or after

COVID Emergency Kits

  • Contents include: oral digital thermometers (2,000 of them), gloves, washable masks (5/pack, hand sanitizers, written materials, comorbidities, pulse oximeters (a few hundred @ $30 ea

Food Distribution Event on July 18th

  • Food distribution events may not be the best place to distribute the kits
  • Expecting to distribute 40,000lbs of food (equates to approx 1,200 cars)
  • Low frequency radio station for people sitting in cars
    • Need talking points
    • Can have a loop with important information
    • PPE ready to go
    • Continuous announcements
  • Public relations include County PR rep, CH7 & CH 13 PR spots for this event, drone footage of cars w Sheriff's office drones
  • Tech Team to work on bullet point talking points for the low frequency radio loop

7/7/2020 Pop up food distribution

  • 206 records in Fulcrum Survey from the event
  • Will be mapped to see where people came from to get the food
  • Concern that the food distribution will be overwhelmed if there is a hurricane because it is extremely active now

Video of COVID Survivor

  • Has had 2,600 reach, 416 engagements and 35 shares
  • People posting they are positive on Facebook






howdy folks
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