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8.4.2020 RAC Bay County Work Group Leadership Meeting

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8.4.2020 RAC Bay County Work Group Leadership Meeting

Here is the link to the 8.4.2020 Bay County Community Stiuation Report presented

presented at the 8.4.2020 Work Group Leadership Meeting.

Frankie Lumm (Emergency Management Division Chief. Bay County Emergency Services) reported:

  • No test sites in Bay County were closed due to Hurricane Isaias, and the test sites are crowded when they first open because people are concerned that they will be shut down, but when the sites remain open, the test sites are not overun. 
  • It is illegal to test children at the drive throuigh test sites. Children are tested at hospitals or through their pediatricians only.
  • There has been 1 deaqth at a Long Term Care Facility in Bay County
  • 390+ inmates and 19 staff have tgested positive for COVID
  • Hospitals are now at Yellow status. Elective surgeery has been stopped at Gulf Coast Hospital. Both hospitals have 20 days of PPE. The state is partnering on PPE and tests. There is not currently a shortage of ventilators. This does not include CPAP devices. The hospitals are for profit entities. They are coordinating with EMS and FDOH in. Bay County.
  • The new test sites have opened. Lynn Haven and Panama City Beach are open 5 days a week. Frank E is working with doctors' offices to expand testing. Callaway is the next possible site to openThere are 500 tests available per site per day. After the initial opening, most people have a 15 min wait in line and 2 minutes to have the test done. Results are reported to be + or - within 48 hours
  • Dr. Linda Fox has been in charge of ER Procedures for EMS staff, and EMS has low COVID cases due to the rigor of the program she put in place. EMS has had mandatory employee testing and full PPE when responding since March 22nd
  • Tracing is showing that many people are getting COVID from family members who work. Many of the workers are at Panama City Beach venues.
  • Bay County EMS received $250K for PIOs, who have recovered patients sharing their personal stories. COVID positive storiesw of people who spent 5-7 weeks on ventilators and recovered help to dispel fear of irreversible negative health outcomes and death.
  • American Red Cross will not be running the shelters in Bay County. Bay County Emergency Services has contracted with the Bay County School District to run the shelters in the event of a hurricane. Hand sanitizer and masks are stored at the schools that will serve as shelters. People will be separated into classrooms with square footage taken into account in the dea=sign. Families will stay together. Secondary shelters are still not available for use because they were destroyed by Hurricane Michael and have not fully recovered.
    • The school shelters are prepared. The training has taken place using American Red Cross SOPs.
    • DOH will handle the special needs population

Leah showed the preliminary version of charts she is working on for Donna Pilson from the Registration Surveys at the Food Giveaways. Donna said that she would like to see if there are duplicates that went to 2 locations, and to have a number of how many people went to both locations. Leah will work on that.

Eula has been working on identifying grant deliverables for the near future.

  • The Global Giving grant requires one additional person on the Work Group leadership team from the LatinX community. 
  • Each Work Group Leader must have a list of people on their team
    • Submit names to Eula with their contact information
    • A total of 50-75 email contacts are requested
  • Each Work Group Leader must post in the Resilience System monthly
  • Tony explained how his family is adapting to a COVID positive person in the household. It has been 10 days since the COVID-related death in the family and 12 family members are affected. 
    • Of the three household members only one tested positive, and also had another viral infection, but was asymptomatic.
    • The positive patient is in a bedroom with a separate bathroom
    • When the positive patient goes outside to get fresh air, a UV sterilizer is used in the room. It has a 30 minute cycle, so the room is sanitized regularly
    • Tony and his wife are isolated to different areas of the house and maintain 6 ft between them because althougfh they have tested negative, they do not know if they may become positive
howdy folks
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