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Portable Classrooms from SE FL to the Panhandle

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Portable Classrooms from SE FL to the Panhandle

There is an effort to get temporary classrooms that can be used for temporary housing and for business structures that will have to leave the area if they can not operate out of a secure structure, moved to Bay County.   

It is my understanding that Carter Johnson (Palo Alto Church of Christ) was instrumental in initiating contact with the Bay County Commission to receive permission from Bay County to receive the classrooms. 

David McDougal (Coordinator. Florida Disaster Resilience Initiative) is coordinating this intra-regional effort. Mitch Chester, Esq (Miami-based attorney) is providing the legal work that will make this possible, and Albert Gomez (Logistics Expert with Global Resilience Systems, working with the Florida Resilience Initiative). 

We are partnering with the newly formed Bay County Long Term Disaster Recovery Organization that faith partners have established to work independently, but alongside, government efforts. Janice Lucas (LEAD Coalition of Bay County and the Missionary Baptist Church) is on the Executive Board of this newly formed entity.

Only 50 FEMA alternative housing units have been delivered into an area where thousands of homes were destroyed. 

We have commitments so far for about 110 units. See for details.

We are looking for disaster grants and funding sources for this effort that will require workers to help site the units, and on the ground assistance with acquiring necessary permissions. 

My understanding is that United Way is the fiscal agent for the newly formed Bay County Long Term Disaster Recovery Organization, and that Habitat for Humanity has a representative in the board. 

The Palo Alto Church of Christ has also created a Long Term Recovery Committee withCarter Johnson and Rex Harrison involved.

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