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Links to Zoom Work Group Meeting Recordings & 4/13 Meeting Notes
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Links to Zoom Work Group Meeting Recordings & 4/13 Meeting Notes
Wed, 2020-04-15 01:30 — Jan BooherHere are the links to the Zoom meeting recordings. Please get the password from Janice. There is only one password:
Work Group Meeting Notes
Mon 13 Apr 2020
RAC PC-Bay County Zoom Core Leadership Meeting
J Dia (Education Lead) invited: Tanya Hill, David Meyer and Ashley Hill were invited to the call
Yvonne from Doorways of NWFL, DJ Big Boy
Donna (Outreach Lead) invited: Robin Keyes, Yolanda Ceasar, Pamela Donar - Food, Principal Pilson
Chelsea Cogshell (Mapping Lead): Chelsea Cogshell
Also attended: FSU Prof of Social Justice Robert Cvornyek
J Dia’s Education Work Group has been focused on the videos.
Donna Pilson’s Outreach Work Group is looking at mass distribution of food, such as at Doorways of NWFL can be used to include flyers with important information. Yvonne says Doorways of NWFL speaks to 30-60 people a day who call in to have questions answered by phone. Would a phone script be helpful.
Mapping Lead Chelsea Cogshell presented the current maps
Tony Burdick’s Business Work Group will work with people to prepare them to apply for small business funds and to file unemployment claims
Yolanda Ceasar says young people are being told that masks and gloves are not protective. We discussed the accurate public health messaging that wearing a cotton mask that is not medical does not necessarily protect you from COVID infection, but it does reduce the community spread of the disease.
Reaching out to local ministers to push out messages when they do their Facebook Live
Robert has “Amplifier” art images to communicate information differently that may help with information overload
Pamela went out with mask on and she was the only one. Local businesses could help reinforce the public health policy.
Mental health counselor working with isolated ...tic-toc challenges might work. Population that is in and out of DJJ. DJ Big Boy says he could work with this.
The entitled generation has to be aproached in different ways. They are thinking 'Why do I have to stay at home when others are out?'
Get the correct information to Principal Pilson and he will get it to youth that will make TikTok posts and tweets
Donna Pilson: need a plan for mask distribution
Principal Pilson: The schools can be distribution points
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