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Youngest person to die of COVID-9 yrs old & other Articles from the RAC in Sarasota and Manatee Counties
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Tue, 2020-07-28 21:00 — Jan Booher
Youngest person to die of COVID-9 yrs old & other Articles from the RAC in Sarasota and Manatee Counties
The New College of Florida Scholars that run the Sarasota and Manatee County Dashboard, maps and data reporting put together interesting articles for their weekly meetings. You might find them interesting:
Current Events
- Rest in Peace Kimora “Kimmie” Lynum
- The youngest person in Florida to have died of COVID-19 and the fifth child in Florida to have died from COVID-19. She had no underlying conditions
- Some Covid “long haulers” have symptoms that last for months after diagnosis
- Of 143 Italian patients in a JAMA study, 87% had lingering symptoms, most commonly fatigue, chest pain, shortness of breath; some with neurological issues
- Surveyed participants noted inability to be active, difficulty concentrating, lack of energy as COVID symptoms, not on CDC list
- Lingering symptoms may be linked to inflammatory processes, but the root cause is still unknown
- Patients facing skepticism from doctors and physicians have contributed to the rise of Facebook and other “long haulers” community groups
- Sarasota High School teacher dies of Covid-19 at 61
- Well beloved social studies teacher at Sarasota High, aged 61, healthy and with no pre-existing conditions
- Tested positive after visiting Civil War battlefields in Tennessee, died after a stay in the ICU where family were not able to visit
- Concerning as we approach back to school
- Air Conditioning, UV Lights, and COVID-19 in the South
- “hot summer temperatures can create situations similar to those in winter, when respiratory ailments tend to surge, driving people indoors to breathe — and rebreathe —air that typically is little refreshed from outside” -Edward Nardell, Harvard Medical School
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